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  • Clean NestJs architecture - This boilerplate show how to setup a clean architecture with NestJs including unit, integration and e2e tests.
  • 🧪 Fully tested NestJS Prisma Clean Architecture Boilerplate - This boilerplate shows how to test your NestJS API with unit, integration and e2e tests. Use-cases are written in functionnal programming with FP-TS.
  • NestJS Permission Boilerplate - This is a basic NestJS boilerplate project built on the more powerful Node.js framework. The main purpose of this project is to dynamically handle roles and permissions assigned to the user.
  • SQB NestJS Boilerplate - A production-ready 🏭 NestJS boilerplate with batteries 🔋 included. No Kidding!.
  • Nest BFF - A boilerplate BFF web application starter-project using NestJS. Includes CLI, and MongoDB migrations features.
  • NestJS Template - Scaffold your next TypeScript API with this production-ready NestJS template crafted for Docker environments.
  • MEAN Todo with NestJS - A simple Todo application with NestJS and Swagger. Included Authorization/Authentication.
  • NestJS Boilerplate - Boilerplate with available authentication, typeorm, env configuration and swagger. Everything you need to start making great things.
  • Awesome Nest Boilerplate - Typescript, Postgresql, TypeORM, Swagger for Api documentation, Role base access control, and best application architecture.
  • NestJS Prisma Starter - Starter project for NestJS includes Graphql with Prisma Client, Passport-JWT authentication, Swagger Api and Docker.
  • TeanJS - TeanJS is a starter that provides you all the keys to be able to start writing your code as quickly as possible.
  • NestJS DDD Boilerplate - Domain Driven Design Base app with NestJS, Class Validator and TypeORM. SOLID principles applied to create fully testable applications.
  • Nest Mongo Graphql - Starter Kit using NestJS MongoDB Graphql and type-graphql inspired the type schema first approach.
  • Ultimate Backend - Enterprise multi-tenant SaaS starter kit with CQRS GraphQL microservice architecture, apollo federation, event source and authentication.
  • NestJS GraphQL Boilerplate - Dockerized API boilerplate with NestJS, TypeORM, TypeGraphQL, MongoDB, GraphQL and automated tasks with Makefile. Code first approach.
  • NextJS & NestJS GraphQL Starter - GraphQL NestJS with NextJS boilerplace. Includes GitHub, Reddit & Google OAuth.
  • The Knests Stack - Full stack/end starter with: PostgreSQL, Knex.js, NestJS, Next.js, GraphQL, React, Material-UI, Docker multistage images for, Docker compose and a GitLab CI/CD pipeline fully configured.
  • Nest Hackathon Starter - Hackathon starter project for NestJS. Includes Prisma, email verification, Passport-JWT authentication, Swagger and more.
  • Stator - A full-stack boilerplate that does it all - automatic releases, deployments, enforced conventions.
  • NestJS REST Starter Kit - By MonstarLab - Features: JWT Auth, RBAC Authorization, TypeORM, winston logger, Pagination, Auto-generated Swagger. Other: prettier, commit-linting husky hooks, SonarCloud, docker-compose.
  • NestJS Api Boilerplate JWT - An API Boilerplate to create a ready-to-use REST API in seconds with NestJS + TypeORM and JWT Auth.
  • NestJS REST API boilerplate for typical project - Boilerplate with Auth, TypeORM, PostgreSQL, Mailing, I18N, Docker, File uploads (support local and Amazon S3 drivers), Swagger, Tests, CI.
  • NestJS and Prisma Yarn Monorepo Starter Template - Full-stack monorepo starter (Yarn workspaces) with Prisma, GraphQL, CI and more.
  • Truthy NestJS Headless CMS - Open source headless CMS API written using NestJS, that has built-in modules like User Management, Role Management, Permission Management, Email Module, Account Settings, 2FA settings, Throttling, RBAC support, Localization, frontend application written with ReactJS & Redux Saga, UI built with Ant design and many more. Other: unit test using Jest, prettier, commit-linting husky hooks, PostgreSQL, Redis, docker etc.
  • NestJS Realtime Chat - Boilerplate for a realtime chat based on Websockets, TypeORM, PostgreSQL, REST, Docker which includes PassportJS/JWT auth, rooms, kick/ban user functionality
  • Nest Sequelize JWT - Starter kit Nest + Sequelize + jwt.
  • Nest sequelize-typescript - Nest + sequelize-typescript + JWT + Jest + Swagger.
  • Samchon Backend - Template project for NestJS which utilizes Nestia, Safe-TypeORM and PostgreSQL. It supports developers to follow the TDD (Test Driven Development) and BDD (Behavior Driven Development) principles. Documents are well-formed and additional example projects are provided.
  • NestJS Starter - Starter for BFF, MS and API Rest with NestJS, scalable by environments with centralized configuration to use GitOps, CI/CD with GitHub Actions, Dockerization, Conventional commits, versioning, etc... and much more.
  • NestJS HTTP Boilerplate - A template for NestJS, Fastify, Typegoose, Vitest, custom Logger implementation, Redis and more, fast and simple boilerplate.
  • Ultimate NestJs - Nestjs template with Mikroorm, postgres, i18n , twilio, CI/CD with Github actions, conventiona commits with cz and husky, caching, mailer , sentry. Extended ESLint config for best practices. Also has nest's new repl added
  • Zen NestJS Prisma Apollo Angular Starter - An Nx monorepo for creating user portals as a progressive web application. Zen integrates the most widely adopted dependencies within the NestJS, Prisma, Apollo & Angular eco-systems. Code generating the entire data access layer for you.
  • NestJS Webpack Boilerplate - Boilerplate for NestJS with Webpack, Pnpm, Fastify, Swagger, Pino Logger, Airbnb JavaScript Guide, Google JSON Style, ESLint, Prettier, Editorconfig, Husky, Lint-Staged, Commitlint, Axios, Docker, Alias Path, Error Handling and Clustering.
  • Nest Prisma Zod Boilerplate - A best practice for NestJS framework with using Prisma + Postgres, Socket.IO, Zod and Vitest.
  • NestJS Boilerplate using Typescript Generics - A NestJS boilerplate that uses abstraction to create generic controller, service, dtos and entity, aiming to encapsulate a reusable logic throughout the project in one centralized base module using TypeORM & MongoDB.
  • NestJS Drizzle Auth.js - A Nest.js Boilerplate Using Drizzle + Postgres and integrates Auth.js.
  • NestJS Boilerplate with Awesome Docs - A NestJS boilerplate with SWC builder, PNPM, Auth, TypeORM, PostgreSQL, Seeding data (TypeORM Extension), Mailing (@nestjs-modules/mailer, nodemailer), Logging (Pino), Exception Handling, I18N, Dockerization (Local development, production), Swagger, Document (Vuepress), Lint & format (ESLint, Prettier, Editorconfig, Husky, Lint-Staged, Commitlint), Tests, CI.

Maintained by Vasya Ponomarenko