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  • @nestjs/swagger - This's an OpenAPI (Swagger) module for Nest. [Tutorial].
  • nestjs-asyncapi - AsyncAPI module for NestJS.
  • @ptc-org/nestjs-query-* - Nest CRUD for GraphQL APIs.
  • @nestia/sdk - Automatic SDK (Software Development Kit, collection of fetch functions with type definitions like tRPC), Mockup Simulator (backend server simulator embedded in SDK like msw) and Swagger generators, evolved than ever. Also, it can automatically generate e2e test functions for every API routes by analyzing your NestJS server codes.
  • nest-problem-details An exception filter to return RFC-7807-compliant HTTP responses.
  • @nestjs-library/crud - Automatically generates CRUD routes of a controller for given TypeORM entity.

Maintained by Vasya Ponomarenko